AIMS History

1.    Screenings: Here you will be able to view the history of entries of AIMS for the patient.
2.    Filter Action: You can filter the history view by most recent, Past 6 months or Past 1 year.
3.    Change View: This will change the history from a view like the table above to a list view.
4.    Action: This is where you can View, Edit, Delete and Print the past AIMS Screenings.

AIMS Input

1.    Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale:  Here is where you will input the patients’ answers for the screening.
2.    Category/ALL:  Category will display the input section in a tab view for each section (shown above). All will display the input section as one page with all questions listed under the category (shown below). 
3.    Provider: In the Basic Tab or at the top of the screening when in All mode this will default to your name.
4.    Test/Next Date: This will auto default to today’s date and the next test date will default to 6 months from that day. These can be edited but the next test date will not auto fill if you change the date from today’s date, so you will need to update it manually. 

5.    Input Drop-Down: In either view (category or all) the inputs will be the same. You will select the best option regarding the patient from the drop-down. These scores will then be calculated by each section (Facial & Oral, Extremity & Trunk, Global Judgement, and Dental). Complete all fields before saving.

6.    Comment: Here you can enter additional notes about the screening for other staff members to view. Comments can be found in the Submit/Reset tab when in Category view.
7.    Submit/Reset: Reset will remove all the entered fields, this is helpful if you are editing but want to enter a new AIMS screening. Submit will save and input into the patient’s history.


1.    Graph/Outcome: This graph allows you to view your patients’ progress regarding this screening.
2.    Line: This line graph will show you if the patients’ scores have increased or decreased over time. It is color-coded to be able to see if the patient is scoring higher in different categories in comparison to the times before. 
3.    Bar Graph: If you hover your mouse over each bar graph it will show the total points scored in each category for each entry.


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