Allergies History
1. Allergy History: Here you can view the patient's current allergies.
2. Filters: The top filter will allow you to view the history by Active, Expired or All. The bottom filter allows you to view by Most recent, Past 6 months or Past 1 year.
3. Action: This is where you can Edit or Expire if there are changes to the patient's allergies.
1. Allergy Input: Here is where you will be able to enter a new allergy to the patients’ chart.
2. Allergen Type: Depending on which option you select the fields to complete will be slightly different. The options are allergen, medication or no known allergy. Read below to learn more.
3. Severity: You will select how severe the patient's reaction is to the allergy; life threatening, low, moderate, severe, or unknown.
4. Reaction: Here you will select what type of reaction the patient has to the allergy; anaphylaxis, itching and wheezing are a few examples.
5. Allergen: This is specific when you select Allergen from the type drop-down. You will select the allergen from the list the patient has an allergy to.
6. Notes: Here you can enter additional notes regarding the allergy for other staff members to view.
7. Submit/Reset: Reset will remove all the entered fields, this is helpful if you are editing but want to enter a new allergy. Submit will save and input into the patient’s history.
1. Allergy Input: Entering a medication allergy will be very similar as entering an allergen. You will select Medication from the type drop-down.
2. Prescription: You will select the medication the patient is allergic to from the drop-down. If the medication is not listed, you can use the search function to select it.
3. Find: Here you can search for a medication. If the medication you are looking for is not in the Prescription list, you can search by keywords to locate the medication. When you click find, a results table will populate where you will need to select the medication (regardless if the medication is the only one in the list).
4. Notes/Submit: You can add additional notes if necessary and submit to the patient's chart.
1. Allergy Input: If the patient has no known allergies you will select this from the drop-down.
2. Allergy Type: Once selected this will trigger the severity and reactions to default to N/A since they are no longer applicable. For example, No Known Allergies.
3. Submit/Reset: You can add additional notes if necessary and submit to the patient's chart.