Card View

Card View

Axiom Card View

The new Card View can be found the Psych Progress Note Page under Axiom > Health > Psych Progress Note.

Copy Data From Card to Note

You can now copy data directly from the Cards into the Progress Note. Which will be available on the PDF print Out.

1. Click the + Icon on the Card you wish to copy into the chart
2. The Data will be automatically added to the Chart in the appropriate section.

Please Note: For consistency the data will be added to the same location in each note. Example: If you are on the MDM tab and click + next to Vitals, they will be added in the Exam Tab. Allowing uniformity and consistency across all Charts in Axiom.

Open Card in Chart Detail

You can jump directly into the Chart Detail Section by click on the on the card. Allowing you to quickly take any action you may need to (Print, Edit, Add).

1.    Click on the … on the card you want to open in Chart Detail
2.    Chart detail will open automatically to the page.

Remove Card from List

If you would like to remove a card from the view, you can simply press the X to remove it from the view.

1.    Press X to remove the card.

Please Note: If you remove a card you want restored you will need to click Edit Panel > Reset View.

Reorder Cards

The card view can be sorted in any order. Allow you to have the information where you want it when you want it.

1.    Press EditPanel > Edit
2.    Grab on the top of the card (Hold Left Click) and drag it to any position in the card view.
3.    Once the card is in the correct position simply release the mouse (Left Click) and the card will drop in place
4.    Once the cards are in the desired order, simply click Save


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