Chart Detail

Chart Detail

Getting Started in Chart Details

1.    Chart Detail Section: You can access a patient's Chart Detail from the Psych Prog Note, Psych Eval or the PCP Note 3.0 pages. Click on this and it will populate a window over the note to edit the patient's information without leaving the note.

2.    Chart Detail Data: This drop-down will display all the pages you can access within the Chart Detail. Select the option you wish to view.
3.    History: You can view the patient's history once you have made your selection. It will show important information regarding the entry. 
4.    Add AIMS: If there is the ability to add a new entry then this Add button will be below the history. Clicking it will expand the page to complete the inputs

5.    Chart Detail Section/Highlighted: These pages all show the history table and have the option to add a new entry from within the chart. For additional help completing any of these entries, navigate to the stand-alone page from the AXIOM menu.
6.    Chart Detail Section/Not highlighted: These are the view only pages. Assessments will show you the name of the assessment with the option to view in the action drop-down. Facesheet will just show general patient information, like allergies and vitals. Service Plan will show all plans in the patient's history and gives you the ability to view from the action drop-down as well.


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