Clinical Progress Note Search

Clinical Progress Note Search

Getting There:

The Clinical Progress note search page assists a user in being able to trace back any notes completed. The user can search using the Employee name, Provider Site, Patient, or Progress note Type.

Search Criteria

  1. Patient: This section allows you to enter in the patient ID associated with the note you are searching for. 
  2. Employee: This section allows you to enter the Employee name associated with this note. 
  3. Provider: This drop down menu allows you to select the site where the note was created. Usually this is associated with the selection of the Employee, however if you do not use an employee name and decide to search for all notes from one site this drop down allows you to select the site and leave other sections empty not needed. 
  4. Payor: This drop down menu allows you to search by Payor. It can narrow down the search of a note if used with the other sections or you can search for all notes associated with one particular payor. 
  5. Progress note type: This section allows you to search by progress note type such as Psych Eval, CM3, Nurse progress note etc. 
  6. Date Range: This allows you to to select the parameter or date range of the encounter that is being searched. This can go up to 720 days back. 
  7. Search/Reset: Search and Reset buttons allow you to either reset the search above and start again or to commit to the search to obtain results. 
Keep in mind not all fields are needed to complete a search. You can use only one section or multiple to narrow down your search.

Encounter Results

Once you commit to a search the results will display below the search criteria table. It will display any encounters associated with the search fields selected or filled in. 

  1. Expand All or Collapse All: These two view options change the view of the Encounter results table from the Collapse All view which reflects the table above to the Expand All table view which details more information for each encounters listed. 
  2. View button: This allows you to checkmark any one encounter and view it in a different table. 
  3. Action: The action button allows you to start a new note using the same patient selected and same progress note type, this option will open a new tab in your google chrome taking you to the type of note selected such as a psych prog note, psych eval, cm3 etc. Under the action drop down you also have  View and Print options to be able to view the note and print. 

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