Discharge Plan

Discharge Plan

Discharge Summary 

  1. Discharge Type: This drop down action allows you to choose the discharge summary type. 
  2. Referral Information: This section allows you too free text information pertaining to who the patient was referred by and for what. 
  3. Discharge Summary: This section allows you to fill in dates for intake and discharge, dates for the last counseling session, and last bed date. 

Summary of Treatment

  1.  Summary of Treatment: This section allows you to fill out the summary of treatment. The section provided has free text boxes to fill in the information needed and also clickable answers for questions. 

Diagnosis and Signatures

  1. Signatures: This section allows you to add staff signatures and BHP signatures along with dates of signatures. 
  2. Completion Status: this section allows you to fill in the completion status for the discharge summary form and to pend to BHP.
  3. Status Comments: This section is a free text box that allows you to fill in any comments needed. 
  4. Save/Clear: Save will allow you to save and submit the form and clear will remove all data entered from each field. 

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