How to edit a pending notification.

Pending Notifications

Overview Video:

Navigating to the Pending Notifications page:

1. Once you are logged in, click on the "Notification Icon" located in the upper right-hand corner.
2. After that select "Pending Notifications".

Page Layout:



1. Sorting ability functionality. Can be All My Pended Notifications” or “Pended to Me.”  

2. Search input field is where you enter the items you would like to search. 

3. Section is for note type. Example: "Psych Progress Note", "Psych Eval Note", "CM3." 

4. Days Back is for selecting how many days you would like to go back. The default is "All." 

5. FIND: This button will then search for the selected items entered in steps 1-4. 

6. This section will show you the results/list for any pending notifications you currently have and items you have searched for. 

7. Choose Action, this section will allow you to edit the note that has been pended to you. 

Edit the Pended Note:

1. Select "Edit Form" and you will be redirected to the selected note to edit.
2. You will then be redirected to the stand alone page of the note you selected . As seen in below.


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