Group Note

Group Note

Getting Started in Group Note

  1.  Top Bar Navigation: This Top Bar is the Note Navigation Timeline. 
  2. Group: This is a drop-down menu bar that allows you to select the appropriate group.
  3. Service Date: Here you can enter the service date.
  4. Lookup Patient Button: This button allows you to select the patient or patients that will be charted in the group note. 
  5. Temporary Facilitator: This drop-down menu allows you to select the name of a facilitator.
  6. Change Temporary Facilitator: This will allow you to add the facilitator chosen to the note.   

  1. Lookup Patient: This button allows you to select the patient or patients that will be charted in the group note. Once you click on it a separate table will open colored in green with patient names. 
  2. Assign New Patient: this will allow you to add a new patient to the group note that is not listed in the patient table shown above. 
  3. Select All or Deselect All: this allows you to select all the patients in the table or deselect all patients in the table.
  4. Checkmark: this allows you to select one or multiple patients that you would like to start a group note on. 
  5. Get Signature: this will allow signatures to be added for each patient. 
  6. Status: this allows you to choose the status of a patient from a drop-down action menu such as present, client no show, and leaving phone messages.

Assign New Patient

  1. Patient: this is a search bar that allows you to look for a patient to add to the group note. 
  2. Group: this is a drop-down menu that will allow you to choose the group the patient will belong to for the note.
  3. Sessions/Charge: These two sections allow you to input session amount and charge amount.
  4. Start date: this allows you to enter date patient will be added to group note
  5. End date: this allows you to enter the end date for the patient.
  6. Frequency: this allows you to enter a frequency amount. 
  7. Frequency Length: this is a drop-drown menu that allows you to choose between week or month. 


  1. Service site: this drop-down menu allows you to choose the service site for the group note. Once selected you will need to enter the start time and end time as well as the place of service. 
  2. Data: this is free text box that allows you to enter any data.
  3. Action Plan: this is a free text box that allows you to input any action plans. 
  4. Next: this allows you to continue to the start of the group note for a patient. 

Group Note Input

  1. Top Bar Navigation: This Top Bar is the Note Navigation Timeline. 
  2. Services: This section allows you to view the service selected previously.
  3. Edit Service: this allows you to edit services. 
  4. Patient Information: this allows you to view patient information. 
  5. Client Identified Needs: this is a drop-down menu that allows you to choose identified needs
  6. Data: this is free text box that allows you to enter any data.
  7. Assessment: this allows you to input any assessment information in the free text box.
  8. Action Plan: this is a free text box that allows you to input any action plans.
  9. Save and Move to Next Unaltered: this allows you save the information from that patient and move on to the next in the group note. 
  10. Previous and Next: This allows you to move to the next patient or the previous patient.
  11. Action: This is a drop-down menu that allows you to edit each patient from the table. 

  1. Complete Status: This allows you to choose from the drop-down menu the completion status of the group note before you submit.
  2. Submit: this will save and submit the group note.
  3. Previous: this allows you to go back to the previous page in the group note.

Managing Progress Note History

  1. Progress Note History: This section contains Note History for the selected patient 
  2. Progress Note Type: The default selection is My Notes but clicking the drop-down will allow you to filter by several criteria types.
  3. Days Back: This field will allow you to narrow the note selection by how many days back the Service Date was for the Selected Patient.
  4. Search Progress Note: Clicking this button will allow you to search for a Specific Note.
  5.  Action: Once results have been returned you can click action on any note to Amend, Edit, Print, and View. 
  6. Compare: You can select up to 4 notes of the same type to compare against each other for more information on a patient. Please see the table below:

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