Informed Consent

Informed Consent

Informed Consent History 

1.     Informed Consent History: This section will display all the active patients informed consent history. Listing it out by Medication with Date of Consent.
2.    Filter Action: Clicking on the drop-down will allow you to select, All, Past 1 Year, Past 6 months. After you select the appropriate filter, the results will update below.
3.    Medication: This column will display the History for the specific medication.
4.    Person / Guardian Initials: This section will display the initials and date of service for the patient or guardian.
5.    MBHP Initials: This column will display the MBHP initials that delivered the informed consent.
6.    Action: Each Action dropdown corresponds to the Medication in the row. Clicking action will show a dropdown with, View, Edit, Print.

Informed Consent Info

1.     Informed Consent Info: This panel keeps tracks of patient Signature and Initials, which will be used when you print out an informed consent
2.    Patient/Guardian Name: If the patient needs a guardian, please put their legal name. Otherwise, the field will default to the active patient (No need to fill it out).
3.    Patient/Guardian Signature: Click Get Signature to capture the signature of the patient or the guardian (See Capture Signature) for more information on that process.
4.    Patient/Guardian Initials: Click Get Initials to capture the initials of the patient or guardian (See Capture Signature) for more information on that process.
5.    Save / Reset: Save will save, Reset will clear out all of the values in the Informed Consent Info panel.

Informed Consent

1.     Informed Consent: This panel is where the patient / guardian will sign off on the informed consent for the specific medication.
2.    Medication Info: This will show what medication the patient / guardian will be consenting for.
3.    How Discussed: Click this drop-down will allow you to select: In-person, previously, Telemedicine, Telephone. Select the appropriate option for how you discussed this medication with the patient.
4.    Patient/Guardian Initials: Click Get Initials to capture the initials for informed Consent.
5.    Patient/Guardian Initials and MBHP Initials date: This field will default to today’s date. Click on the field to allow you to select the appropriate date for the informed consent, from a calendar, if you need to adjust it.
6.    Save: Click save once all your Informed Consent Info & Informed Consent Panels are updated correctly.

Capturing a Signature

1.    Topaz Signature: Selecting this option will allow you to use a physical signature pad to sign.
2.    Canvas Signature: Selecting this option will allow you to use a touchscreen device or your computer mouse to sign.
3.    Signature Field: Signing on the Physical Signature pad or on the Canvas Mode will appear in this field.
4.    Capture: After the signature has been inputted by the patient, click Capture.
5.    Save: Click to save.


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