Inpatient Module: Grid View

Inpatient Module: Grid View

Site Selection and Site Management

  1. Site Selection: Clicking this dropdown will present you with a list of all available sites at your organization. Clicking the site from the dropdown will load the site.
  2. Create Room: The create room button will allow you to create a new room at the site. [Learn More]
  3. New: Clicking New will start the process of enrolling a New patient into the Site. [Learn More]
  4. Date Selection: You can filter the patients by the Start and End date filters.
  5. Filter Dates: Once you have entered in the correct Start and End date filters (See Item 4) you would simply click Filter Dates, and your results would be returned.

Upcoming eMARs

  1. Upcoming eMARS: This section will list all upcoming prescriptions that need to be given to all clients enrolled at the selected site. This information pulls from the Prescription Admin Sheet.
  2. As of: This will display the last time the system checked for any medications that might be due for a patient.
  3. Search: This field will allow you to search for any of the fields in the table. For example, searching for: "Xanax 1 mg" would return only row 3.
  4. Refresh Icon: Clicking the refresh icon will have the system go and check all of the information again and refresh the table to have the latest information. Please note: The As Of (Item 2) should change to the current time.
  5. Patient Name: This section will list the patients Alphabetically.
  6. Medication: The active prescription for the patient will be listed in this column
  7. Time Due: This will return the date and time (in Military) that the prescription will need to be administered next.
  8. Last Time Given: This will show you the last time the prescription was administered to the patient.
  9. Status: This will display either Missed (See Row 1) or Given (Rows 3 & 4).
View eMar Tutorial: Click Here

Managing a Room

  1. Switch To Card View: Clicking this will switch you to Card View. [Learn More]
  2. Room / Bed: This will display the room number and then the bed number separated by a "-".
  3. Patient Name: This column will display the patient name.
  4. Additional Patient Information: These column will display additional information associated to the patient.
  5. Action: The Action drop-down will contain all actions that can be placed on the patient.
    1. Alerts: Clicking on it will open the Alerts panel to show you all past due Notes & Medications.
    2. Comments: Clicking on this will open client notes, showing you the history and allowing you to log additional notes on the patient.
    3. Discharge: This option will open the Discharge note on the patient.
    4. Inpatient Note: This will open a new Inpatient Note for the patient.
    5. Discharge Summary: This will open the Discharge Summary for the patient.
    6. Emar: Selecting this will open the eMAR for the patient, allowing you to log meds etc. [Learn More]
    7. Order List: Clicking this will open the Order List Page
    8. Overview: Selecting this option will expand the overview section on the patient. Allowing you to view active: Prescriptions, DX Codes, and progress notes.
    9. Room Check: Clicking on it will bring up the Room Check log [Learn More]
    10. Contraband Check: Clicking on it will bring up the Contraband Check log [Learn More]
    11. Med Reconciliation: This option will open up the Med Reconciliation page allowing you to Reconcile the correct medications.
    12. Internal Orders: This option will allow you enter in an Internal Order for the patient.

Creating a Room

  1. Existing Rooms: All existing rooms will be available and listed here. You can use the scroll bar to review the current rooms before creating the new room
  2. Room Name: You can enter a number (6) a name (Sunrise) or a combination of both (6a) in this field
  3. Create Room: Once you have entered in the correct information click Create Room. The page will reload and the room will be ready for patients to be assigned.

Enrolling a Patient in a Room

  1. Client Field: Enter in the client name, DOB, ID and click Search
  2. Search: Once the client information has been entered click SEARCH
  3. New Client: If the client has not been enrolled before, click New Client and the enrollment form will open. [Learn More]
  4. Admin Information: Enter in the Admit information
  5. Patient Enrollment: Select the correct bed, reason, attending and payor for the patient.
  6. Diagnosis: You can enter up to 3 admitting diagnoses for a patient. Enter either the DX code or type in friendly code name (Major Depressive...) Click Find DX and select the correct result.
  7. Referral Information: Enter as it applies
  8. # of Days in Facility: Enter in the # of days in the facility

Room Check

  1. Room Check History: This table will show the historical view for all room checks.
  2. Date and Time: Enter the Date and Time of Room check.
  3. Checkmark all items that were checked during the room check.
  4. Save: Once everything has been inputted correctly, click Save
  5. Reset: This will clear the form.

Contraband Check

  1. Contraband Check History: This table will show the historical view for all contraband checks.
  2. Date and Time: Enter the Date and Time of Room check.
  3. Check-mark all items that were checked during the room check.
  4. Save: Once everything has been inputted correctly, click Save
  5. Reset: This will clear the form.

Patient Overview

  1. Prescription: This will display a list of all active prescriptions for the patient. There is a search option that can be used to narrow the results.
  2. Problems List: This will show all active DX codes associated with the client. There is a search option that can be used to narrow the results.
  3. Progress Note: This section will show all progress notes listed for the patient depending on the filter criteria set.
  4. View: This button will open a view of the progress note selected.

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