

Lab History

1.     Lab History: This section will allow you to view all lab history for the active patient. 
2.    Change View: This will change the history from a view like the table above to a list view like the image below.
3.    Filter: You can filter by Most recent, Past 6 months or Past 1 year.
4.    Action: This drop-down will allow you to Edit, cancel (if the order has not been sent to the facility), View the Request, Print Labs or view/upload associated files (uploaded files in the system related to that lab order).

Getting Started in Lab Order Input

1.     Lab Order Input: This is where you will be able to enter a lab order for the patient.
2.    Lab Info Tab: This tab is where you will enter all information pertaining to the lab. That is explained in more detail below.  
3.    Diagnosis Tab: This tab is where you will enter the diagnosis code pertaining to the lab being ordered.  
4.    Completion Status: You can save the lab order as signed and incomplete to save for completion later or signed and complete to send the lab.
5.    Submit/Reset:  Reset will clear any inputs above to begin entering new information. 

Completing the Lab Info Tab

1.     Site: Here you will select the site the lab order is being sent from.
2.    Lab Facility: You will select the lab facility the lab order is being sent to.
3.    Provider: This will default to your name, but if it is being sent for another provider you will select their name and they will receive a pending lab notification to approve the lab order.
4.    Order Date: This will default to today’s date but can be changed if needed.  
5.    Specimen Collected: If Yes complete the collection date and time with the correct information, if No then you can move on.
6.    Fasting: You will select Yes or No if the patient is required or not to fast before the lab.
7.     Priority: You will select Routine or Stat for the lab priority.
8.    Time: You will select if the lab must be performed in the AM, PM or Any time of day.
9.    Frequency: Here you will specify how often the selected panels will need to be performed.
10.   For x number of times: This will indicate how many times the above information is needing to be completed. For example: If you select Once a week for frequency and 4 for x number of times then that lab will need to be completed once a week for 4 weeks. 
11.   Clinical Info: Here you will enter clinical information pertaining to the selected panels.
12.  Panels: Here you can search for lab panels and select from the Panels List. For more information read below.

Finding and Selecting Lab Panels

1.    Find Lab Test: Here you will type what lab you want to order by keyword, CPT Code or Lab Code.

2.    Lab Panel Name: When you click Find Lab Test this will populate a window with the search results. Then select the lab you want to order from the list. 

3.    Panels: Once you select the lab from the list it will populate in this section to select. You can add additional labs after each one is in the panel section. To select the lab to send to the Facility you will need to select the checkbox next to the name of each lab you want to order. 

Important: You must select the checkbox after choosing from your results list. If it shows in the Panels list but the checkbox is not marked it will NOT send to the Lab Facility

Completing the Diagnosis Tab

1.     Diagnosis: Here you will start by selecting a relevant diagnosis code from the patient’s problem list.
2.    Precedence: You will need to select the precedence of the diagnosis code you are adding. If you are adding multiple this will need to be done for each. 
3.    Add DX/Reset: Clicking Add DX will add the selected diagnosis code into the list below. Reset will clear out the selection so you can begin again.
4.    Diagnoses Added: This is where you will view the list of diagnosis codes added that are relevant to the lab being ordered.
5.    Action: This drop-down is used to edit or delete diagnosis codes from this list only. When you are in the code you wish to change, edit allows you to change the precedence and delete removes it from the Diagnosis Added list.
6.    Edit Problem List: This will open the stand-alone Problem List page into a new window to, add or remove diagnosis codes before sending in the lab. If you make any changes to the list and need to add it into the lab,  you will click the refresh button and your changes will update in the Diagnosis drop-down.
7.    Submit/Reset: Reset will clear any inputs above to begin entering new information and Submit will save all labs information entered in the note.  

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