Medication Reconciliation

Medication Reconciliation

Getting Started with Med Reconciliation

1.   Medication Reconciliation: This form is used to reconcile all medications for the active patient. Allowing you to stop medications and continue medications.
2.  Continue: Clicking this check box will continue the patient’s medication.
3.  Edit: Edit will allow you to make any adjustments to the medication chosen. 
4.  Stop: Clicking this check box will stop the medication and mark it for discontinuation.
5.  Medication Information: All of these columns are not editable, but they do list all the medication details for your review.
6.  Submit: Clicking submit will perform the Med Reconciliation per the 'Continue and Stop' you have selected during the reconciliation process.

Stop Medications

1.    D/C Date: This will default to today’s date, but you can change it if needed.
2.   Reason: This drop-down will make the reason for discontinuing the same for all selected medications below. If you wish to have different reasons when discontinuing multiple medications, you can choose from the Reason drop-down by each medication. 
3.   Discontinue All Prescriptions Below: This will default to be selected to discontinue all instances of that medication being prescribed and all medications below. You can unselect by the small D/C checkbox under the medication name.
4.   Save/Close: Save will send a fax to the patient’s pharmacy to update. Each prescription listed will have it’s own fax sent. Close will clear the screen from view.


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