Patient Request

Patient Request

Patient Request

  1.  Date: This will default to Today’s Date, clicking the calendar icon will allow you to make any adjustments to the service date. 
  2. Time: Here you can select the time of the request. Clicking on the clock icon will allow you to choose the correct time.
  3. Priority: Choose the priority of the request.
  4. Caller: This free text box allows you to type the name of the caller for the request. 
  5. Reason: This drop down allows you to choose the reason for the request.
  6. Assigned to: This section is where you will determine who the request is assigned to.
  7. Message: This is a free text box for messages that can be added to the chart.
  8. Text Option: You can choose to send a Text with the information by clicking this checkbox.
  9. Submit/Reset: Reset will remove all attributes and Submit will approve all the request inputs. 

Patient Requests History 

  1. Patient Request History: This section contains all Patient Requests History.
  2. Assigned To: This field notates who the request is assigned to.
  3. Status: Here you can see the status of the request.
  4. Action: This drop down will allow you to view the history. 

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