Patient Valuables

Patient Valuables

Patient Valuables

Important: Before recording patient valuables, the patient must already have an admission created in the Inpatient or Residential module.

Video Tutorial:

Getting There: 

The Patient Valuables page is located in both the Residential Module and the Inpatient Module. First: navigate to whichever of the two you are using.

Next, you will need to switch from "Card View" to "Grid View". There is a button to do this located below the "Upcoming eMARs" table.

After switching to Grid View, scroll to the patient whose valuables you are entering and use the Action dropdown to select "Patient Valuables". This will bring up the Patient Valuables fields toward the bottom of the page and Axiom will automatically scroll down to it.

Page Layout:

Patient Valuables Input:

  1. Date In - The date on which the patient was admitted.
  2. Patient was wanded? - Mark this box if the patient was searched using a wand on admission.
  3. No valuables - Mark this box if the patient did not have any valuables on admission.
  4. Valuables dropdown - Select the category of valuable that is being documented
  5. Location/Locker - Document the location where your organization is storing the valuable being documented. Each valuable can have a different location.
  6. Comments - Any relevant description of the valuable or other notes.
  7. Add Valuable button - Click this once fields 4-6 have been filled out to complete documentation of that valuable.
  8. Valuables history table - This table shows all valuables collected from the patient.
  9. Currency - Document any currency taken here. Coins should me recorded as a decimal (e.g. a patient coming in with 58 cents would be documented as "0.58"
  10. Initials fields - Click here to capture the initials of each person involved in the admit process
  11. Submit / Reset buttons - Click the Submit button when you are done documenting valuables. Clicking the reset button will completely clear out the form.
  12. Hide button - Click this to close the Patient Valuables Input and History sections. They can be re-opened again via the action dropdown if necessary.

Patient Valuables History:

  1. Search box - Use this to filter the history table to only show entries that contain the text you enter. E.G. typing "/2020" would filter the history table by all entries with a "Date In" or "Date Out" in 2020.
  2. History table row - Each of these rows is one complete Patient Valuables entry that is created when clicking the "Submit" button (#11 above). There could be multiple valuables documented in a single row.
  3. Action dropdown - Use this to check out any number of valuables from that entry. It also allows printing of a list of valuables associated with the entry.
  4. Row counter - This displays how many total rows are in the table. If there are more than 10, it will allow you to change the size of the history table (10, 25, 50, or 100 rows per page)
  5. Page counter - This shows how many pages of entries are in the history table and can be used to change which page you are viewing.
  6. Hide button - Click this to close the Patient Valuables Input and History sections. They can be re-opened again via the action dropdown if necessary.

Using the Patient Valuables Page:

Checking In Patient Valuables

  1. This patient was searched using a wand on intake so this box was marked
  2. A cell phone is currently being documented (Google Pixel 3a in a black case). It has not yet been added to the list of valuables.
  3. Clicking the "Add Valuable" button will complete documentation of the cell phone
  4. In the history table there is an entry for some jewelry (a gold necklace and earrings) that was stored in location 12B 
  5. The patient had $94 on admission that has all been documented in the Currency section
  6. Initials were collected for the Patient as well as the BHT that documented the intake.
  7. Once the Cell Phone has been added to the history table, click the submit button (assuming there are no other valuables to be documented) to complete documentation.

Checking Out Patient Valuables:

  1. Use the Action dropdown in the Patient Valuables History section to select either "Checkout item" or "Checkout all" depending on how many items are being checked out. In this example, we will be selecting "Checkout all".
  2. Enter the date of checkout into the Date Out field.
  3. Collect initials from everyone as required by your organization.
  4. Click the "Submit" button to complete the checkout

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