PCP Visits

PCP Visits

On this page
      Visits History
      Visits Input

Visits History

  1. Filter Action: You can filter by Most recent, Past 6 months or Past 1 year.
  2. Change View: This will change the history from a view like the table above to a list view like the image below.
  3. Print List: Print List will open a printable PDF of the PCP Visits History.
  4. Patient: In this table, you will be able to view Patient information. 
  5. Action: From here you can view, edit, or delete.

Vital Input

  1. Visit Date: The date you are choosing for the PCP visit to occur. It will default to today’s date.
  2. Nature of Visit: Free text box where you can describe why a patient is being seen. 
  3. Submit/Reset:  Reset will clear any inputs above to begin entering new information. Reset will clear the input fields.

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