Prescription Administration Sheet

Prescription Administration Sheet

Getting Started in Prescription Admin Sheet

1.     Provider: This should display your name to prescribe medications.
2.    Sending Site: This should display the site the patient is being seen.
3.    Provider's DEA Number: This should display your DEA (Drug Enforcement  number).
4.    Pharmacy: This is where you will choose the preferred pharmacy for the patient.
5.    Find Pharmacy: Click this to find your Pharmacy, on that page you can filter by Name, State, City, Etc. You can select the Default checkbox and it will always default to your patient’s default pharmacy from the Member PCP page. 

1.     Print Meds: This will print a list of the active medications that the patient is prescribed.
2.    View Allergies: This allows you to view the current allergies notated in the patient’s chart.
3.    Ref: Selecting the checkbox under Ref will allow you to send in single or multiple medication refills at a time.
4.    D/C: Selecting the checkbox under D/C will allow you to discontinue single or multiple medications at a time.
5.    Token Binding: When in red you can click this to bind your token/username for mobile authentication with or Identrust depending on which certificate you purchased.
6.    Undo: There will be a red delete button, if you need to remove a medication from your list when refilling, discontinuing or sending a new medication. There will also be a green edit button if you need to make changes to any medications you are going to send.
7.    Add Prescription: You can add a prescription here when you click this. It will extend to enter the medication information you wish to prescribe.
8.    Send: You can send discontinuations, refills and new medications once all the correct information has been entered.

1.     Prescription History: Located below Current Medications you will see the patient’s prescription history. This defaults to include Active, Expired and Discontinued medications. 
2.    Filter: To filter by a specific status, you can use this drop-down to select which type of prescriptions you would like to view.
3.    Action: The action drop-down is used to retrieve medication information with the Lexicomp Pamphlet, to Print Copies of previous prescriptions for patients, if needed, and it is another way to Discontinue medications.

Send a New Prescription

1.    Medication: You can select a medication in this drop-down from the patient’s history. You can load the medication with the historical inputs, which can also be edited, or choose the medication with (New) next to it and it will add the medication with no information in the input fields.
2.    User Generic if available: If you select this checkbox it will default to the generic brand of any chosen medication.
3.    Search for medication: You can search all medications available by either the name or by a few letters of the name. This will pull the generic brands as well when you click Find.
4.    Form -Strength: Complete the input fields for the patient. If you are prescribing a schedule II Controlled Substance you will be able to Postdate prescriptions rather than refill. It will populate above the Prescribe button. You will be able to enter how many postdated prescriptions you would like to send, as well as the dates they are available to be filled.
5.    Prescribe/Clear: This will trigger the Medication Reactions to populate. Clear: Will clear all inputted fields.

Important: If you are going to prescribe a Controlled Substance you will need to bind your token before prescribing.

1. Once you have reviewed the medication reactions and still wish to prescribe the medication you will click Continue.

1.    New Medications: You will see that the medications you are sending will be highlighted in green. You can edit and remove medications from the sending list by using the red back arrow to remove or the green notebook to edit.
2.   Send: Now you can send your prescriptions to the pharmacy and you will be able to review it before it sends in the Medication Confirmation window.

1.     Information: This will display the patient’s demographics, your information, the sending site, and pharmacy. If anything is incorrect, you will need to cancel to make changes to the prescription.
2.    Prescription Batch: Here is where you will review the medications before they are sent to the pharmacy. Select Cancel if you wish to make changes.
3.    Action: If you are prescribing a schedule II Controlled Substance you will need to select Ready to Sign and you will be prompted for your two-factor authentication after you click Continue Send.
4.    Automatically Open Pages: This will always default to Print Prescription when you send the prescriptions. If you are prescribing a new medication the Informed Consent and PCP notification will open in a new tab once you click Continue Send. You can also request that AIMS and Labs open in a new window as well (Simply click the checkbox). 

Refill Prescription

1.     Ref: Select the checkbox under Ref that is next to the medication you wish to refill.
2.    Medication Inputs: Review all information and make any changes necessary. You can edit all fields related to the medication, such as Form-Strength, Quantity, Duration and Notes to pharmacist.
3.    Send: Once you click Send, it will skip the medication reactions window, since it has already been prescribed and you will go straight to the Medication Confirmation page. Review as before and send the prescription to the pharmacy. 

Discontinue Prescriptions

1.     D/C: Select the checkbox under D/C that is next to the medication you wish to discontinue.
2.    Send: This will trigger the discontinue reasoning window to populate.

1.     D/C Date: This will default to today’s date, but you can change it if needed.
2.    Reason: This drop-down will make the reason for discontinuing the same for all selected medications below. If you wish to have different reasons when discontinuing multiple medications, you can choose from the Reason drop-down by each medication. 
3.    Discontinue All Prescriptions Below: This will default to be selected to discontinue all instances of that medication being prescribed and all medications below. You can unselect by the small D/C checkbox under the medication name.
4.    Save/Close: Saving will send a fax to the patient’s pharmacy to update, each prescription listed will have it’s own fax sent.  Close will close the inputted fields.


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