

Radiology History

1.    Radiology History: Here you will be able to view the history of entries on all Radiology entries for the active patient.
2.    Filter Action: You can filter the history view by most recent, Past 6 months or the Past 1 year.
3.    Change View: This will change the history from a view like the table above to a list view.
4.    Search: In this field, you can search across all entries in the Radiology history table.
5.    Action: This is where you can Edit, Cancel and View Associated Files and Print the record.

Order Information

1.    Order Information: In this section you will input all of the appropriate order details for the Radiology order.
2.    Order Date: Select the date of the order.
3.    Provider: Select the Provider placing the order.
4.    Order Details: Enter in all appropriate details for the order information in this section.

Radiology Input

1.    Radiology Input: This section will allow you to input all the order details.
2.    Facility Location: Select the appropriate Facility for the Radiology order to be sent.
3.    Category: Select the Radiology Order category, once you do the appropriate orders will populate in the table below.
4.    Select: Select the appropriate order by clicking on the Checkbox corresponding to the Row of the order you want to input.
5.    Free-Text Field: Enter in any additional information you would like to input on the order.
6.    Save: Once all information is correct, click Save and your order will be placed.

Important: The orders will not be sent to the Facility Automatically. You will need to print them out and give them to the patient.


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