Residential Discharge

Residential Discharge

Residential Discharge

Important: Before starting a discharge, the patient must already have an admission created in the Residential module.

Getting There: 

The Discharge page is located in the Residential Module. First: navigate to the page.

Next, you will need to switch from "Card View" to "Grid View". There is a button to do this located below the "Upcoming eMARs" table.

After switching to Grid View, scroll to the patient who you are discharging and use the Action dropdown to select "Discharge". This will bring up the Discharge page in a new Chrome tab.

Page Layout:

Residential Discharge Input (part 1/5)

  1. DC Date - The date the patient is discharged. 
  2. DC Time - The time the patient is discharged formatted as hours:minutes am/pm
  3. Discharge Type - Whether the discharge was routine, mandatory, at the patient's request, etc
  4. Future Appointments - A list of any future appointments in Axiom that the patient has after their discharge
  5. Disposition - A description of where the patient is going after discharge

Residential Discharge Input (part 2/5)

  1. Discharge Address - Auto-filled street, city, state, and zip code of the patient's address from the Cover Sheet. Cannot be edited here.
  2. Patient Current Phone - Auto-filled phone number from the Cover Sheet. Cannot be edited here.
  3. Residential Psychiatrist - Auto-filled Psychiatrist responsible for the client while admitted. Cannot be edited here.
  4. Transported By - The name and phone number of the person who is transporting the patient from the facility after discharge.
  5. Emergency Contact - Auto-filled Emergency Contact from the Cover Sheet. Cannot be edited here.
  6. Reminder - A note to remind the patient to bring relevant information to future appointments after discharge.

Residential Discharge Input (part 3/5)

  1. Full Diagnosis - A list of diagnosis codes and the Reason for Admission that were entered on intake. Cannot be edited here.
  2. Psychosocial / Environment problems - Checkboxes for any relevant problems the patient still faces.
  3. Medication List - A checklist for any relevant information regarding past and future prescriptions.
  4. Special Instructions - Yes / No checkboxes for any special instructions the patient may have received.

Residential Discharge Input (part 4/5)

  1. Discharge Reason - Explain the reason for the patient's discharge.
  2. Aftercare Plan/Comments - List any relevant information for aftercare of the patient as well as any miscellaneous comments regarding the discharge.
  3. Patient Choice Information - A disclaimer for the patient to read before signing in the signature section below.

Residential Discharge Input (part 5/5)

  1. Signature Section - Capture signatures for any involved staff here
  2. Date Section - The date of each signature will automatically be recorded here.
  3. Status - The status (Incomplete / Complete) of the discharge. A discharge can be saved as incomplete to be finished later by any user.
  4. Save / Reset buttons - Click "Save" to submit the discharge with whatever status was selected above. Click "Reset" to clear all information on the form.

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