Service Plan

Service Plan

Service Plan History

  1.  Service Plan History: This table will display any service plan input history, when it was last updated the completion status, and associated files.
  2. Action: This is where you can View, Edit, Delete and Print. 

Service Plan Auto Save

  1.  Service Plan Auto Save: This table will display auto saved service plan notes. 
  2. Action: This is where you can Edit and Delete notes. 

Service Plan Input

  1. Plan Type: This section allows you to input a plan type, date, and review date.
  2. Start Service Plan: This button allows you to start the service plan note, which opens a service plan input table above. 
  3. Category/All View: Category will display the input section in a tab view for each section (shown above). All will display the input section as one page with all questions listed under the category. 
  4. Top Bar Navigation: This Top Bar is the Note Navigation Timeline.
  5. Here you can begin to enter your notes for a patient related to the service plan. 


  1. Top Bar Navigation: This Top Bar is the Note Navigation Timeline.
  2. Identified Need: This table allows you to input the identified needs 
  3. Plus Icon: Clicking the + icon will add another copy of the table below the icon to add more information if needed.
  4. Interventions to Meet Objectives: This table allows you to input (free text) information regarding interventions to meet objectives. 
  5. Other Service Info: This table allows you to input other service information.
  6.  Add to Plan/Reset: Add to plan allows you to add all information to the service plan. Reset will clear all fields. 

Information entered in this section must be added to the plan using the "Add to Plan" Button. To save the entire Service Plan, select the 'Finish' button.

Service Plan Information

  1. Service Plan Information: This table will show you information that has been added to the service plan from the details section. 
  2. This drop down menu will allow you to Edit and Delete information added to the service plan. 


  1. Top Bar Navigation: This Top Bar is the Note Navigation Timeline.
  2. This section allows you to input discharge plan/follow up, special assistance and agreement information. 

  1. This table shows the patient their Service plan rights. Once you click on the purple bar the rights will expand for a patient to read and review.
  2. Telephone Consent: This section will allow you to input Telephone consent information. 

Signatures and Complete Form

  1. Signatures: This section will allow you to input staff and patient signatures along with dates. The signature can be edited by clicking underneath the signature text. 
  2. Complete Form: This section will allow you to select the completion status fo the service plan note.
  3. Submit/ Reset: Reset will clear the page of the data entered in the input fields. Submit will save the service plan in the Service Plan History table.

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