Support and Safety Plan

Support and Safety Plan

Getting Started

From the Axiom menu go to the Form Search box and type in Support and Safety Plan. This will take you to the note page.

Support Plan Input

  1. Presenting Concern section: This is the first question in the support and safety plan "What do I experience when I am not feeling well"? Below the question there is a free text box where a user can type in in detail and information related to this question. 
  2. Plan of Action: This option allows you to enter a patients plan of action and then Add it to the plan by clicking on the Add button. The plan of action will display underneath in a table with an Action drop down menu that will allow you to Edit or Delete.
  3. Environment: This section allows you to add an environment to the plan. The Add button will display the environment plan in a table with an Action drop down menu that will allow you to Edit or Delete. 
  4. People/Agencies that can help me: This section allows you to add any people or agencies to the plan. The Add button will display the people and agencies in a table with an Action drop down menu that will allow you to Edit or Delete. 
  5. Urgent Care Centers and Hospitals: This section allows you to add an Urgent care center or Hospital information for the support and safety plan. 
  6. Signatures: This section allows you to add the appropriate or indicated signatures needed to complete the support and safety plan. 
  7. Completion Status: This section allows you to complete the plan by selecting complete or Pend for review. The incomplete button will save the plan as a draft until it is completed. 
  8. Save/Reset: This will save or reset the entire plan.

Support Plan History

  1. Support Plan History: This table will display any previous Support and Safety plan submitted. 
  2. Action menu: This drop down menu will display actions that be taken for each historical Support and Safety plan entry. 

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