Triage Observation: Processing a Discharge

Triage Observation: Processing a Discharge

There are two main status types when it comes to Discharging (DC) a patient from the Triage Observation Page in Axiom.
Complete (Removed from Chair). Incomplete (Keeps them in their chair but allows for the DC plan to be generated).

Processing a Discharge

1. To Start a discharge navigate to the Discharge Page by clicking Discharge on the Patient you would like removed from the Chair. In this example below, we are discharging Terry, King. 

2. Now we will need to fill out the DC Information (See below). Once the information is input we have 2 main options. We can...
    a. Save Complete - This will save the DC Plan and remove Terry King from the Chair. 
    b. Save Incomplete - This will save the DC Plan and will keep Terry King in the Chair. 
Save Incompletes are useful if a DC Planner meets with Patient and discusses the plan, builds the plan, but the patient is to remain in their chair for the next few hours.

A common Error with Save Incompletes to be careful of: Once the patient is discharged a staff member will need to Edit the DC Plan and Save Complete (Covered Below)

3a. If the plan is saved incomplete you will now have 3 options on the Patients Card.
     a. Edit DC: This will allow a user to Edit a DC (Making any changes or modifications to the plan).
     b. Print DC: This will allow the user to print a copy of the DC Plan.
     c. View DC: This will allow you to view the DC in the system. Just a quick overview of the plan.


3b. (Optional) If the DC Plan is saved incomplete, then a staff member (DC Planner, Nurse, Registration) will need to update the DC Plan to be in a completion status to remove the patient from the chair.
      a. Edit the DC Plan on the Triage Observation Page

     b. Once the plan opens, make any necessary changes (DC Date and Time are the most commonly updated). Ensure status is updated to: Save Complete

Remember: The Save Completion status will mean that the user will be removed from the chair. That chair will then become available for new admissions.

4. Once a patient has been discharged from the chair, you can locate the patient under the Discharged Section on the Triage Page. 
      a. Print DC & View DC Options.

Have a lot of patients in the Discharge Section? Use the Search Field to narrow the results!


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