


1.    Graph/Outcome: This section will automatically graph the Vital History allowing you to see trends in inpatient data.
2.    Graph / Outcomes: The selected tab will have a dark blue background. Clicking on Outcomes would switch the view from Graph to Outcomes.
3.    Graph Data: There are two different graphs on Patient Vitals, Vitals (BMI, Height, Weight) or Temperature at the time of the visit.
4.    Export: Clicking on the icon will allow you to export the graph as a PNG, JPEG or PDF.
5.    Graph Legend: You can view the color legend at the bottom of the graph.

Vitals History

1.    Vital History: This will list all vital history of the active patient.
2.    Filter: The filter field will allow you to filter the results for Past 1 Year, Past 6 Months, Most Recent. It will default to All.
3.    Search: This is a free-text field, allowing you to search for any text in the referral. Example: Searching racing would pull the second result because it found the keyword in the Comments field.
4.    Change View / Print List: Clicking on Change View will adjust the view from a grid view to a card view. Print List will open a printable PDF of the Vital History.
5.    Action: From here you can view, edit, delete or print a record.

Vitals Input

1.    Vital Input: This section will allow you to input a new vital record for the active patient.
2.    Category / All: Clicking on ALL will change your view from Tab view (Vitals Basic, Vitals Urine, Vitals Blood…) to include all fields on a single page (Removing the tabs).
3.    Stature / Weight For Age: Clicking this will let you know the Average Height and Weight for the age of the active patient.
4.    Vitals Basic (Required): You will default to Vitals Basic when creating a new vital entry. The active tab will be in Dark Blue. Underneath the title, you will see if the section is required or optional.
5.    Vitals Tabs (Optional): If you need to input any information for Urine, Blood or Vision simply click inside the appropriate Tab and fill out the correct fields.
6.    Submit/Reset: Once you have entered in all the vital history click on the Submit/Reset tab to save the vital entry.
7.    Vital Information: Enter the vital information for the patient.
8.    BMI: Once all the patient vital information has been inputted, the system will automatically populate the BMI for the patient.
9.    Comments: This free-text field will allow you to type in any additional comments you would like to include in the Vital Input Section.


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