Residential Module Overview

Residential Module Overview

Where is it?

Watch Video Trainings:

Residential Admission

Residential Discharge

Adding in Dependents

Writing Staff Notes


  1. Site Selection: You have multiple residential sites you can use this dropdown to switch between the sites in Axiom.
  2. Patient Name: This can be used to filter on a specific patient in the system. Use Item 3 to narrow down your search results even more.
  3. Search Criteria: These search criteria can be used to show previous admits or simple filter on current admits. You can filter on Open and Discharged, Start Date, End Date
  4. Site Management:
    1. Create Room: Use this to add a new Room (This is security based and will not show for all users) 
    2. New: Click this to process a New Admit
    3. Daily Attendance: If your organization utilizes Attendance, click this to take daily attendance
  5. Upcoming eMar: If your facility does any kind of med management for patients it will appear here based upon the prescribed information and the eMar Schedule
  6. Switch to Grid View: This will take you away from the Bed Board View into the Grid View. From here you can process a lot of actions on the Residential Module Page
  7. Last Room Check / Last Contraband Check: This will both show the last room check information and will act as your entry point for logging a new room check.
  8. Cards: Admitted Patients will display on the cards. If the bed is available it will show empty (Like the photo).

Processing a New Admit

Processing an admit inside of Axiom is straight forward.
Simple Click on the New button which will request a new admit to begin processing.
Fill in the required information and click submit.
A Few things to note:
  1. Beds will show the available beds. You cannot admit anyone to a bed that is already occupied
  2. Admit Reason 1 is required but a second reason is not
  3. Payor is for the residential stay. This may be different than the configured payor in Payor Assignment
  4. Once admitted the page will reload and you will be able to find your patient on the bed board

To Adjust the admit information after you have admitted, go to 1. Switch to Grid View 2. Click Action Dropdown 3. Click Admit Info and you will be able to make admission changes.

Room Check / Contraband Check

To Process either a Room Check or a Contraband check go to the room in which you want to process the check. Then click on the button that shows the information. Fill in what you checked and click on Save.

Once the room check is complete the button on each room will be reflected to show the latest room check date and time. You can access this same input screen from the grid view (Explained in next step). However, the Card view makes it much easier to see each room and quickly understand when the last check took place.

Grid View

The Card View inside of Axiom is a nice overview of the bed board. Accessing the Grid View in Axiom will allow you to manage patients at a deeper level. You will be able to take numerous actions on each patient on the bed board.

You will notice that the two actions you can take in Axiom are setup in 2 distinct ways.
  1. You will never leave the Residential Module Page. For anything that is directly related to Residential Module you will stay connected to the residential module page. Such as Staff Daily Notes
  2. The second way you will see Axiom interact is with new tabs. A new tab will be opened if you are accessing a dedicated Page inside of Axiom. Or you need to view both the bed board and the new page inside of Axiom. You will see this on the eMar, CINA, CIWA and others.
How to get to the Grid View:

1. Click on Grid View about the first room on the Residential Module Page

How to place Actions on Patients

2. Click on the "Please Select an Action" dropdown.
3. Will display a list of each available action you can take on the patient (Corresponding to the row you selected)

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